This little program will shut your Mac off at a time which you specify. When it is launched, a dialog box will prompt you for a shutdown time. At the appointed time, your Mac will power down. All of this assumes that you have a Mac that can power itself down.
System 6: The shutdown routine will eject any floppies and pull the plug, so to speak. If any data hasn't been saved, it is lost.
System 7: System 7 users have a choice. They can have the "hard" shutdown that System 6 users are stuck with, or they can have a "soft" shutdown. In a soft shutdown, the program sends a High Level Event to the Finder, telling it to shut the computer down. This the same as choosing Shutdown from the Special menu. The Finder then prompts all open applications to quit. If they won't quit (because they have files open, or have unsaved scrap), the shutdown doesn't take place.
Note that most of the info in this blurb is contained in an Instruction menu item under the Apple Menu.
Please delete any version of ShutDown with a compilation date earlier than Apr 24, 1994 (visible in the About menu item under the Apple menu). Earlier versions had an obscure bug which could cause a crash.